Who Is Gavin? Old

A Little About Gavin Mountford

Hey there!

I wrote this bio for one reason. What is it?

Simple: The only emails I look forward to getting are from people who I feel I know personally.

There’s nothing worse than a stranger hitting up your inbox!


Information alone won’t help you succeed with online marketing.

Why? Well, there is far too much of it. So besides getting information, you need to be able to get that information from a reliable source.

In other words…

Someone You Trust!
Gavin, Pippa, Lottie

What I discovered was when I would get on someone’s email list, I’d usually end up unsubscribing simply because I didn’t trust their information…. or them!

To me, they were nothing more than a name on my computer screen.

Who was that person on the other end?

What did they stand for, and what were they against?

Why are they in business?

What’s their story?

With that in mind let me share a little bit about myself, so I’m not just another name on your screen.

I am doing this because I truly feel I have some outstanding and unique strategies that could change your life, and I am going to do everything I can to get you to read about them, and more importantly…

Act On Them!

I’d first got involved in a Home Based Business with Amway back in 2000/2001 and had a little bit of success offline, but I hated the pestering and prospecting my friends, family and strangers.

It just didn’t come natural to me. I wasn’t enjoying it, I struggled and eventually my network folded and I quit the industry.

Carphone WarehouseI got out, and was fed up of it and went back to work for The Carphone Warehouse, just because it was easier…

So, it was early 2004, I hated my job in the Carphone Warehouse & I wanted out… I was making about £1200 per month $1800 which would have been enough for me to live on other than the fact…

I had an…

Incredibly Demanding Girlfriend…

If I wanted to keep her happy, then I needed to make more money.

For 7 months I literally tried everything… surveys, auction sites, Ebay, forex trading, gambling, Network Marketing, you name it, I tried it…

Nothing worked!

…and eventually she said…

“Gavin… I’ve had enough! I can’t live like this anymore… If things don’t change soon, I’m leaving…”

So at that point, I had my back to the wall… If I didn’t make it work I’d end up losing the love of my life.

(She also didn’t know at the time that I was over £10,000 / $15,000 in gambling related debt! I’d tried to get myself out, only to dig myself in deeper and it eventually came back to bite me when she found out and we split up – but all things happen for a reason…)

That got me a little bit depressed…

2 days later I worked out exactly what I needed to do!

Maybe I could make money selling gambling related information products..

So I decided to send an old friend Tony and email. (Tony was a successful gambler friend of mine…)

I Asked Him If He’d Be Willing To Sell His Horse Racing System…

All he had to do was write it down, and I would market it and sell it.

That’s exactly what happened…

Within 5 days of me sending that email he’d sent me the whole package…

So, all I had to do was turn it into an information product and sell it…

Only problem was… I’d never done anything like it before! and I was incredibly nervous thinking I could never do it…

FrustratedI had no clue how to do it… and made probably the biggest mistake I’ve ever made because I didn’t have anyone to show me what to do either …

The product was called The Layers Edge

I remember spending the next 3 months literally pulling my hair out, trying to put it all together.

Writing the sales letter, creating graphics, installing the website, all the technical problems I had, creating a database, to uploading files, connecting it with FTP, integrating it with Clickbank, password protecting the product… plus everything else…

I was seriously struggling. To make matters worse I ended up spending over $3,000 more, because I had to outsource most of the work to get it done.

I did this because I’d made my girlfriend and Tony a promise, (although she didn’t know I was spending my money…)

That was BIG mistake #2!

Finally it was all ready and was time to launch the site. I remember sitting in my bedroom, on that hot summers night, feeling incredibly nervous, my heart racing as I went to push the button to make the site live.

Eventually At 11.50pm I Plucked Up The Courage And Published The Website…

Layers EdgeAfter a couple more hours of staring at the screen waiting for the sales to come in, I went to bed hoping that when I woke up the next day, I’d see some money in my Clickbank account.

The next morning came. I jumped out of bed, turned on the computer, logged into Clickbank and was shocked.

Absolutely nothing.


I was devastated… I’d put everything on the line for this…

To make matters worse, a few weeks later my girlfriend found out I was £10,000 / $15,000 in debt and left me.

I was at rock bottom but…

This Wasn’t Going To Defeat Me…

So over the next 12 months I got further and further into debt learning how to make money online. I must have spend over $9,000 buying courses and software to learn from.

Then out of nowhere I had an email from a lady called Lesley-Ann who owned a site called bettingbots – she wanted to partner with me and send out an email to her list in return for 50% of the sales of The Layers Edge.

“Sounds great I said… what do you need from me?”

“Nothing… I’ll just create an affiliate account with Clickbank and will do an email out to my list tonight.”

I had no idea how big her list was…

Drinking!So, I forgot all about it and went to the pub with my friends, & got pretty drunk…

Arrived home about 11.30pm, turned on my computer… feeling a little worse for wear…  I opened my email and stared at the computer screen in total amazement.

What I saw gave me renewed faith…

Sales, after sale, after sale, after sale… Notification…

When I totalled it up…

I’d Made $6,359 In 4 Hours Since Going To The Pub…

Income Proof

For the next couple of years, my income soared….

I had $11,798.58 periods…

$12,070.03 weeks…

Everything was going FANTASTIC, other than the fact…

I HATED the gambling industry.

I just wasn’t motivated, didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning and didn’t want to work on my business.

What a CRAZY place to be!

I Was Earning Up To $19,300 Per Month Working From Home But I Hated It!

I had a GOLDEN goose (my websites), which was laying me GOLDEN eggs ($19,300 per month) and because I didn’t have a passion and purpose, I was KILLING the goose

So, eventually after a BIG battle with myself…

I sold my network of gambling sites before my income levels dropped any further…

I was in a VERY BAD place in my mind at that point, and I was starting to get depressed…

I remember spending hours at night just thinking to myself… about how I blamed myself for losing all that money and losing my girlfriend years earlier…

At the time, I HATED the way my life was

But fortunately life has a funny way of bringing you back again doesn’t it..?

Gavin and PippaI met a wonderful young lady called Pippa who helped me get through this difficult time

The gambling stuff and everything else was PAST history, it was time to start again!

A little while later (May 2008)  I got the home based business bug again. I wanted to build and grow a team using my 5+ years of Internet Marketing knowledge

As I did my research online, I I came across one of the BEST books anyone trying to build a business online should read… Magnetic Sponsoring from Mike Dillard.

I bought it straight away.

All I had to do was set up a blog, set up a capture page,  and place a few articles, press releases and adverts.

The leads would flock in and ask if they could join my business…

Fantastic I Thought. Easy Money. 

So over the next 6 months I bought more and more courses and started to put it the strategies into action to build my business. I was so excited about this new way to build my business that I couldn’t sleep at night.

But do you know what. After 6 months of doing this nothing was happening and I didn’t know why.

All these people seemed to be having success in this industry, but I wasn’t…

What was wrong with me? I’d made it work in the gambling industry so WHY couldn’t I succeed in online Network Marketing?

All of a sudden I started getting sidetracked. Losing my focus, looking around for another business. Another way to generate traffic because I thought it was the business that was wrong.

I Felt I’d Been Lied To…


They told me the Internet was going to be an easy way to build my business, and it’s absolute rubbish.

Yes it’s easy once you’ve spent a lot of time of trial and error and worked very hard…

It’s easy when you’ve got a mentor or coach… someone to show you EXACTLY what to do…

One of the reasons I struggled so much in the early days is that the Internet is designed to grab your attention.

People, guru’s, trainers know how to pull you away from what you are currently focused on and get you to buy their stuff, join their business, spend your money with them…

They’re masters at it!

They promise you the world, and they deliver great content but I was sure it was just designed to keep us spinning around like a hamster in a cage on it’s little yellow wheel.

The Hamster Doesn’t Know Any Better And Neither Did I…

I was at their peril. When they said jump. I said how high? When they said buy, I said how much. When they said join my business. I said ok, where do I sign?

It didn’t matter that I was losing my direction, losing focus and cheating on my dream, I was spending money I couldn’t afford.

I just wanted the newest business, and the latest course and traffic generation methods. I was going to get them at any price.

HamsterI was just all over the place. I had no discipline and working from home for me was a nightmare. I loved it, but my life and business all merged into one. It became the grey zone.

When I was supposed to be working I was on Skype, Instant Messenger, checking my emails, browsing Google for more books and courses to help me get through the mess.

I think the reason this happened was because…

I actually didn’t know what to do to build my business.

I bought courses which I hadn’t finished, I was half way through and I was onto the next thing to buy…

I half read books, watched a few minutes of video’s, snacked on blog posts and my attention span was rubbish.

I was trying to juggle different traffic generation methods. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, my blog, mailing list.

Then I had to learn about my company, speak to people on the phone, reply to emails, Instant messages, Facebook and Twitter messages.

How frustrated was I?

At the end of the day…

I Felt Stressed & Overwhelmed And Hadn’t Achieved Anything Meaningful…

I was spending all that time away from my family and I’d pretty much wasted the time I had to build my business because there were some fundamental things wrong with me

Although, I didn’t want to admit it at the time.

I had to do something about it if I was ever going to build my business on the Internet.

I needed to learn what I was missing…

…and there was NO way I could do this on my own!

I’d come this far, but it was the end of the line for me

So, I made my decision…

I Hired A Coach…

Hired a CoachAt this point, I figured… I had nothing else to lose, so I decided that the FASTEST way to success was to learn from someone who’d already done it before…

It kind of made sense… after all, WHY try to reinvent the wheel?

(If you want to get somewhere FAST, you ask someone who knows how to get there right?)

I didn’t have any cash left, so I borrowed £2,000 ($3,000), and I “bit the bullet”

I found someone who was already making it online

I remember paying him £2,000 ($3,000) for 4 x 45 minute coaching sessions…

I’m SO GLAD I did, because it literally changed my life and business around!

He told me 3 things I didn’t know… which when I implemented them into my business… everything changed!

He also told me I needed to learn Attraction Marketing… (the right way)…

So I Switched My Focus Again…

But this time it was deliberate. I was going to get good at this. I was going to put a lot of time and effort into learning this.

I bought books, courses, attended seminars, had coaching and gradually I started to get things under control…

I studied & modelled from the masters such as Eric Worre, Ray Higdon, Frank Kern, Mike Dillard, Eben Pagen, Diane Hochman and many more.

I read loads of books, attended seminars, took online courses, watched videos etc on Attraction Marketing and Social Media Marketing, because I knew HOW IMPORTANT getting an education was!

I also continued to learn about Internet Marketing, sales funnels, copywriting, syndication, info product creation, product launch formula’s, traffic generation… you name it, I learned it

Total Investment In My Online Marketing Education = $107,164.25

I was implementing the ideas into my life and business.


I was finally taking control and fighting back against all those gurus who were trying to get me to go in a different direction…

I was taking responsibility for my life and business… No one was going to get me off track.

Over the next couple of years I fine tuned my skills and created 11 Information Products! (Most of which have now been super-seeded and consolidated into our main coaching program…)

I thought… if The Layers Edge managed to make me all that money years ago, then if I keep creating these products I could triple my income…

My life was in cruise control…

Gavin's Products

Literally everything had changed…

I was having income days of $8,000 PLUS again… earning multiple streams of income from many different places…

* Network Marketing Income
* Info Product Income
* Affiliate Income
* Coaching Income
* Monthly Continuity Program Income

I was hitting the higher ranks of my business…

I was getting recognised…

I was speaking on stage…

And everything was working great 🙂

Now It Was My Turn To Give Back

I decided… because I’d had some great successes myself, working online… and I was doing what I LOVED to do, and making good money in the process…

I wanted to help other people do exactly the same as me…

Which is why my 6 Steps Method Academy was born…

I wanted to help people with the EXACT same problems and challenges I’d experienced myself since starting online…

I thought if I could reach just 1 person and help them build their business online and get more leads, customers, clients, sales and sign ups, then it would be worth while.

But instead, I changed thousands of lives with our trainings and methods!

In October 2009 Pippa And I Got Married…!

MarriedIt was the happiest day of my life 🙂

She is my soul mate… and we work so well together…

Pippa was the person who RESCUED me all those years ago when things were really tough for me!

It’s amazing isn’t it..? just when you think life isn’t working out how you want it to… something, or someone comes along to turn it around…


Just when I thought things couldn’t possibly get any better…

Beautiful Little Lottie Was Born!

January 2011, along came our first little girl called Lottie!

Lottie is a BUNDLE of joy in our lives… she lift’s us up, keeps me motivated and continues to help PUSH us to greater heights…

My family are one of the DRIVING FORCES behind why I do what I do… (I’m sure yours is too…)

Lottie and DaddyLottie was born with Congenital Hip Dysplasia, meaning her hips were out of their sockets and she’d need several major operations…

Lottie had her first operation in April 2012….

I saw how tough it was to have to see your child go through these problems and challenges…

And how amazing the little people are at coping with their problems.

If I was that worried about Lottie and her operations, then I started to think how hard it must be for parents of children with life threatening illnesses…

London MarathonSo, I decided to run the London Marathon for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. (A charity which grants magical wishes for children with life threatening illnesses…)

So I could do my bit to help a young child have their wish granted and help them have an experience them and their families will remember for a lifetime!

(That’s what life is about isn’t it? Helping people in need and making sure other people enjoy their lives also!)


Then Our Wonderful Son Ben Was Born…

2 years later, we found out Pippa was pregnant again and were so excited 🙂

We always wanted a boy and a girl, and somehow managed to keep it a surprise what we were having…

So, when Ben was born, it was a BIG surprise!

He’s an incredible little chap… very funny, loud and loves Lottie lots and lots…

In fact, Ben is learning from Lottie all the time.

I LOVE him so much… in fact, I love them all so much 🙂

So, I feel incredibly blessed to have a wonderful family… and that is the REASON I do what I do for!

So, I can work from home, see my family whenever I want to, listen to them playing out in the garden and go places together whenever we can…

But The Whole Journey Changed Me…

It made me into more of a person. I overcame my fears along the way, so now I am more confident in myself. I also learned how to handle failure, so now I am more successful in whatever I do.

And most importantly, I get to help others and spend quality time with Pippa, Lottie and Ben.

When I used to work in The Carphone Warehouse, I never had someone come up to me and say, “Gavin, the way you sold me that mobile phone changed my life”.


But I’ve had people write me telling me that my trainings and coaching has changed their life.

It enhanced the quality of their life. It has made them a better person, just as my journey has made me a better person.

So was it worth it? Yes!

And If I had to do it over again, I’d want it the exact same way.

“I LOVE My Life!”

After all the struggles I’d been through… the making money, losing money, pains, problems and challenges…

I now feel blessed to have had such a journey.

Every single morning I Wake Up Inspired! because I get to spend my free time with Pippa, Lottie and Ben and helping out other entrepreneurs who are going through the exact same problems I went through…

Gavin's FamilySeveral years ago… I spent 1 week reflecting and looking back on my life…

“Wow…” I said…

“What a journey… look at how things have changed since I first started”

…and then the words just tumbled out…

“I Love My Life!”

The most powerful words I’ve ever said…

…& now every time I wake up in the morning, my feet hit the floor… the first thing I say to myself is…

“I Love My Life!”

In fact, I even have the song “Love My Life” by Robbie Williams as my alarm ring tone so it’s the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning 🙂

I invite you to do the same…

It doesn’t matter if right now your world is crumbling…. everything around you is chaos…

…because those words have the POWER to heal!

I just wish I’d learned them 10 years ago…

I’m Just a Regular Guy!

I’m NOT special in any way… I just had a DREAM and went for it until I achieved it.

That’s what I want for you!

So, let’s keep in touch and get to know each other a little more…

Your Friend,

Gavin Mountford

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