The marketplace doesn’t care what you need
I once had a prospect tell me…
“I need to make this work….”
I could tell right away that he was in a desperate mindset just by that statement and the tone in which he said it.
I am always reminded of this quote from the late great Jim Rohn…
“Don’t bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don’t feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace. – Jim Rohn”
The marketplace doesn’t care what you need. It doesn’t care that you are struggling, it doesn’t care that you need to pay your electric bill or your rent. The marketplace is looking for value in exchange for their money. Nobody parts with their money unless you give them sufficient value in exchange for it.
If you want to make it work, get your eyes off your own “need” and get your eyes of the “need” of the marketplace and fill the gap. That is how you will meet your “need”.