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Key #8: Leverage Simple Technology to Automate Your Business & Save You Time...

I want to let you in on a HUGE secret right now...

When you first get started you DO NOT need complicated technology to build a successful business online! (No matter what the guru's might tell you...).

In fact, you could build a $5000-$10,000 per month business with some very simple to set up and easy to use technology!

See, the thing that stops most entrepreneurs and business owners dead in their tracks is struggling with technology.

They waste days, weeks and sometimes months trying to set up sales funnels, capture pages, email sequences, messenger bots, blogs, websites, multiple social media profiles, videos and more, before they ever need to...

In addition to that, they've got multiple products and services, multiple businesses, and multiple opportunities, and they're just running round like headless chickens!

See... Online Marketing is very much like a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle... you may have some of the pieces in place, but more than likely most of the pieces are missing, some are upside down on the floor and there's no picture on the box to show you what you're supposed to be doing.

And what most people don't realise is there's a 3 Stage Process to building a successful and FOCUSED business online...

I call it:

The High-Touch, High-Tech, High-Profits Process...

And if you think about it, it makes so much sense because it takes the guess-work out of the entire thing...

>> Stage 1 - "High-Touch" Process

Firstly you start with "High-Touch", which is SIMPLE and easy to do, it doesn't require much technology, you can get started immediately and begin attracting new leads and customers fast...

(Remember the 6 Daily Action Steps in Key #6 - Create, Capture, Connect, Comment, Communicate, Close?)

High-Touch is about personal connection... it's about 1-2-1, relationship building, and real human to human interaction which helps people get to Know, Like and Trust you faster than if you just tried to automate everything with technology...

People buy from people they Know, Like and Trust!

>> Stage 2 - The "High-Tech" Process

Next, once you've got a process that works (AKA The 6 Steps) and you've got a predictable system in place that allows you to generate leads, warm them up and convert them into sales, sign ups, customers and clients...

Then you AUTOMATE IT and use more advanced technology.

Then you can start to think about your Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, sales funnels, email lists, messenger bots, capture pages etc etc...

Trying to automate something that doesn't work to begin with is NEVER going to work... in fact, you're only going to get more of what doesn't work :-(

>> Stage 3 - The "High-Profits" Process

Chances are, if you're LIKE ME... you've got multiple products, services, programs, opportunities and businesses, so it's important to ALIGN everything together in order to keep you 100% FOCUSED in one place.

The TRUTH is that 9 out of 10 people you speak to just won't be interested in what you're selling / offering, and if you don't have something else to offer them that they want, then you're leaving money on the table.

The great news is that when you DO it right and follow this process, you'll be able monetize the other 90% of people quickly...

Both myself and our coaching clients use our "MSI Supermarket Strategy" (MSI = Multiple Streams of Income),  and with just ONE little tweak you'll be able to transform your results dramatically...

Keep reading for more about this...


It's now time to put this stuff all together and get your first Attraction Marketing lead generation system implemented into your business... 

Hit the "Next Page" button for the Final Key... 

"My Biggest Income Week of $4,000 Online...

I'm so EXCITED... In the last 12 months by using this process I've generated over 2000 leads, grown my team by 80 people achieved 2 rank promotions in my company and had my biggest income week of $4,000 online!"

NICOLE HANCHI  //  Social Media Marketers United