Key #3: Stop Private Messaging Your Products, Services or Business Link to People Who Do Not Care...
Stop Sending your products, services or business links in a PM (Private Message) to friends, members of groups and people who haven't asked for it or expressed an interest...
It’s NOT cool, and could get you in a lot of trouble with Facebook and other Social Media platforms.
I mean, seriously... why would somebody buy a product or service, or join some kind of business or opportunity through somebody they don't know, or they just met through Social Media? Truth is... they won't!
Imagine how YOU feel when you know somebody is trying to "get you" in to something, or sell you something... and they're only recommending something because they get financially rewarded when you buy!
Now I’m sure if you’re anything LIKE ME many years ago, and the 97% of other struggling entrepreneurs & business owners then you’ve tried this approach and hopefully realised it just doesn't work...
Instead, create VALUE, CURIOSITY, TEASER and ENGAGEMENT POSTS that gets people talking, attracts prospects to you and adds value to people's lives by helping them solve their problems…
People have to get to know, like and trust you first. They want to see that you have their best interests at heart and understand their situation... once they can see this, they'll be happy to BUY from you, and possibly join your team!
"I Generated 1,100 Leads..."
"I had no leads, no income and I was failing on my own! I then found Gavin's trainings and in a very short span of time I generated 1,100 leads, built a strong and continually growing warm market, massively increased my income by thousands of dollars and have brought 24 new reps in to my business..."
LAURA STEPHEN // Networking Gems